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Download the latest version of Adobe XD CC, here you will also find all the information you need about this PC Software in detail.

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Name Adobe XD CC
Updated Jul 16, 2020
Exploitation Windows 10 (64-bit) – Version 1903 (build 10.0.18362) or later.
Processor Intel® or AMD processor with 64-bit support
Display 13 inches or larger display, 1280 x 800 resolution.
Graphics Minimum Direct 3D DDI Feature Set: 10. For Intel GPU, drivers released in 2014 or later are necessary.
Genre SoftwareAdobe Apps


Adobe XD was first released on 5 October 2015 and was developed and published by Adobe for a web and mobile user experience design.

Adobe XD CC Full and Latest Version

What is Adobe XD?

Adobe XD was first introduced in 2015 as Project Comet at the annual Adobe MAX conference.  At the time, it was a treasure trove for anyone still using Illustrator or Photoshop to design their user interface.

Adobe XD has been developed from the group up, specifically with UX and UI design in mind, so it has a lot of features that were not found in other graphics apps and is a perfect fit for designers.

What is Adobe XD Used for?

Adobe XD addresses two major problems that Photoshop and other graphics applications cannot solve:

  1. The modern design process involves more than a polished final article. Network planning, iteration, and behavior are part of the collaborative decision-making process with UI and UX design.
  2. Interaction design is not static, a designer can't fluid design and communicate a dynamic using pixels alone. Adobe XD is ideal for vector-based user interface design, wireframe, prototyping, interactive design, and high-resolution Web/App design, for individual designers or entire teams.

Adobe XD Features

Among the features of Adobe XD, we can find the following:

  • Support for 3rd party plugins and layout.

  • Prototyping design tools.

  • Components (which are completely fluid).

  • Repeat grids.

  • Responsive resizing of content and layout.

  • 3D transforms.

Repeat Grids

Repeat grids are awesome, It allows you to make copies of an item and arrange them automatically in a grid. You can easily change the vertical and horizontal spacing with the controls.

Adobe XD CC Full and Latest Version Download

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